Think back to high school… who was the most popular kid in your class? Well we want to know who is the most popular dog on Facebook and you’re going to help us. Here’s how it works:
Starting Tuesday January 18, post a picture of your dog on our Facebook page and have your friends “Like” it. Comments don’t matter, just “Likes” and the dog with the most “Likes” at contest’s end Monday January 24 at 9pm PST will win the Paco Collar of your choice! Normally we have limitations on the prize, but not this time. Oh no, you get to design the Paco Collar of your dreams, which is only fitting for the most popular dog on Facebook.
Of course, we all know that popularity isn’t everything. A quick poll at the studio showed that not one of us was voted most popular in high school — weird, right? — so we’re also giving a shot to the underdog. If you think your dog should win for another category, like “Best Smile,” “Class Clown,” or “Most Likely to Roll in Seal Innards” then you should try out for the Paco Collars Employee pick award. To enter, just post a picture of your dog with the category you think you should win, and we’ll see who wins us over. Winner of this category will also get the collar of their choice, no restrictions.
There you have it. It’s been a while since we’ve had a contest, may be quite a while before the next one, and for the first time ever there’s no limit on the prize except your imagination… let the popularity contest begin!