It’s no secret we’re fond of matching duos, and Zoe (l) and Moto (r) certainly fit the bill. Commonly referred to as “Team Naughty” we can only venture to guess these two make one lively household. And note that poor, discarded dog collar in the background… sorry bud, you’ve been upgraded! Congrats, you two, on being the best dressed boxer team in the hood (and may we suggest a name change to “Team Adorable”?).
On a completely unrelated note, click on the picture below to see what the heck we do on our weekends (that’s Paco Collars’ own Ana Poe holding that black and white pit bull puppy in preparation for its vaccinations):
And the answer to the riddle, “How many pit bull puppies fit in a laundry basket?” is 11. Yikes!