So recently we sent out a survey to our newsletter subscribers with a bribe: fill this out and be entered for a chance to win a free Paco Collar.
The response was so overwhelming that we figured it would be cruel not to include everyone else. Not like “clubbing a seal” cruel but definitely like “no boys allowed in the tree house” cruel, so here’s your chance.
Follow the link below, fill out the survey and, so long as you provide the contact info at the top, you’ll be entered to win a free Paco Collar. If you want to say all sorts of awful things and remain anonymous you can still enter your contact info. . . we won’t know it’s you.
And sign up for the newsletter, if’n you don’t want to be left out again.
p.s. you only have until Tuesday May 20 (which happens to be Paco’s birthday) to be eligible for the drawing so act fast!